Galveston Island Birding

Galveston Island is one of the top locations in the country for birding. It has a rich variety of habitats – beaches, wetlands, grasslands, woods, ponds, and bays – in a small area that are home to many common year-round species, as well as numerous others that visit briefly or for part of the year.

Birds visit en-route from and to Central and South America, north in the spring, south in the fall. Galveston is a special place for migratory birds because of its unique location along the Central Flyway providing them a refuge to rest and refuel. Most pass on through after their stopover, but some spend their summers on the Island and breed locally.

The Island is also an important wintering ground for numerous species that spend most of the year farther north. More than 300 bird species may be seen throughout the year somewhere on the Island. During FeatherFest, over 200 species are typical, such as common year-round birds, spring migrants and late wintering birds.

Galveston has great birding year-round and a favorite pastime is birding by car. You can explore and enjoy Galveston Island with our birding itineraries from east to west.

Photo: Scott Meyer
Photo by Vadim Troshkin.

Galveston Island Birding Tours

GINTC has organized a team of naturalist volunteers to escort media groups, teachers and other similar groups on tours of Island birding hot spots. This is a community service project for the Galveston Island Convention and Visitors Bureau and helps spread the word that birding in the area is among the best in the USA.

Photo: Anthony Louviere

Galveston Area Birding Guides
(For Private and Group Tours)

Glenn Olsen, GO Birding Ecotours

Kristine Rivers, Birding for Fun