Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council


Welcome to the Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council’s Nature Guide and Nature Ambassador Certification Program! The purpose of this program is to provide training for people (like you) who are interested in sharing nature information and/or conducting nature tours on Galveston Island. This program is designed to create a key group of knowledgeable nature guides and ambassadors to help visitors and residents better understand and experience Galveston’s natural side.

The program provides two distinct avenues of professional development. Certified Nature Guides will be able to provide in-depth knowledge of the natural systems of Galveston Island and the surrounding environs in field or classroom settings. Certified Nature Ambassadors will be able to provide summary-level information to Island visitors. Both levels of training will result in a better appreciation of the importance of conservation of our natural resources and wildlife habitat.

Administered by Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council, this program has been developed with support from scientists, educators and Texas Master Naturalists with decades of knowledge in the natural systems of Galveston Island and the surrounding area. The program will appeal to visitor services and hotel employees, existing tour operators, entrepreneurs interested in starting a tour business, educators, master naturalists and nature tourism volunteers.

Those who complete a course and its associated test will be certified as Nature Guides or Nature Ambassadors.


Program Structure

There are two levels of training for certification – Nature Guide and Nature Ambassador.

As an outcome of the Nature Guide training, participants will be expected to:

  • Have the ability to identify major wildlife and plant species of the area
  • Have a working knowledge of the historical and cultural aspects of local wildlife and natural resource use
  • Have a good understanding of local environmental systems and resource management issues

As an outcome of the Nature Ambassador training, participants will be expected to:

  • Be familiar with the most common wildlife and plant species of the area
  • Have an understanding of the physical characteristics of Galveston Island and its surrounding waters
  • Have a working knowledge of the opportunities on Galveston Island where visitors may experience the island’s unique natural features


Structure of the Training

The online modules provide a broad overview of the many components of our local ecosystem, beginning with a history of the formation and ecology of Galveston Island itself. Habitats such as the estuaries, coastal prairie, and beach are included.  The animals (land and marine) which live here are also covered.

There are three components to the training for the Nature Guide level:

  1. Online Modules
  2. In-person Review and On-site Visit
  3. Testing and Certification

There are two components to the training for the Nature Ambassador level:

  1. Online Modules
  2. Testing and Certification


How to Use this Program

When registering for the first time, click on the New? Register for Course button. Choose Nature Ambassador Certification Course or Nature Guide Certification Course. Click on View cart and you will be taken to the payment page.  Once you have paid for your course, you will receive an email with a temporary password. You may change your password, manage your account or begin your course.

You do not have to complete the course in one session. You can go in and out of the program as you wish and monitor your progress on your account dashboard. When finished,  you will receive an email confirming completion.

In order to achieve certification, you will need to pass the test with at least 80% correct. You can always go back to the module content to review and take the exam again until you achieve 80%.

The module sources and additional resources are available at the end of each module if you are interested in more in-depth information for your own benefit.


Requirements for Certification

Nature Guide Level

Once Nature Guide level participants have completed all of the online modules and pass each exam, participation in a one-day interactive session is required. During this session participants will receive coaching in interpretive skills, safety, customer service, as well as a site visit to one of the main habitats, for application of the information and skills learned during the training.  The presenters for this day will be many of the content experts who have created the online training.

The interactive session will be offered once a quarter (four times a year) and completion of the online modules will be required prior to attending. This will enable participants to use the time with the content experts in the live session to ask questions and gain further clarification.  It will also be an opportunity for individuals to begin to create their own guiding structure and explore how to personalize their guiding experience.

Participants will then be certified for a two-year period, and re-certification will be available when requested after that. Tracking and record keeping will be managed by Galveston Island Nature Tourism Council staff.

Nature Ambassador Level Training

Once Nature Ambassador level participants complete the online modules and pass each exam they will be certified for a two-year period, with re-certification available, when requested after that. Tracking and record keeping will be managed by Galveston Island Nature Tourism staff.

We hope that you enjoy the experience of becoming a Nature Guide or Nature Ambassador and that you will enjoy sharing your love of Galveston’s natural environment with residents and visitors to the island.

Certified Nature Guide
Certified Nature Ambassador


Nature Guide Course Progress

Module 1 Gulf of Mexico+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Gulf of Mexico  
Unit 2 Physical Characteristics  
Unit 3 Currents  
Unit 4 Galveston Island Tides  
Unit 5 Gulf of Mexico Watershed  
Unit 6 Oil and Gas Production  
Unit 7 Gulf of Mexico Fisheries  
Unit 8 Gulf of Mexico Underwater Tourism  
Unit 9 Sources for the Gulf of Mexico Module  
Unit 10 Gulf of Mexico Exam  
Module 2 Galveston Island Geology+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Galveston Island Geology  
Unit 2 Galveston Island  
Unit 3 Global Climate Impacts  
Unit 4 Galveston Island Formation  
Unit 5 Galveston Island Geology  
Unit 6 Sources for the Galveston Island Geology Module  
Unit 7 Galveston Island Geology Exam  
Module 3 Habitats of Galveston Island+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Habitats of Galveston Island  
Unit 2 Beaches  
Unit 3 Dunes  
Unit 4 Swales  
Unit 5 Coastal Prairie  
Unit 6 Prairie and Marsh Wetlands  
Unit 7 Bay Shore  
Unit 8 Sources for the Habitats of Galveston Island Module  
Unit 9 Habitats of Galveston Island Exam  
Module 4 Galveston Bay and Estuary+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Galveston Bay and Estuary  
Unit 2 Galveston Bay  
Unit 3 Galveston Bay Watershed  
Unit 4 Galveston Bay Industrial Services  
Unit 5 Galveston Bay Ecological Services  
Unit 6 Bottlenose Dolphin  
Unit 7 Ways to see the Bay  
Unit 8 Sources for the Galveston Bay and Estuary Module  
Unit 9 Bay and Estuary Exam  
Module 5 Fish of Our Bay and Gulf+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Fish of Our Bay and Gulf  
Unit 2 Atlantic Spanish Mackerel  
Unit 3 Black Drum  
Unit 4 Blacktip Shark  
Unit 5 Bonnethead Shark  
Unit 6 Gafftopsail Catfish  
Unit 7 Hardhead Catfish  
Unit 8 Ladyfish  
Unit 9 Red Drum  
Unit 10 Sand Seatrout  
Unit 11 Sheepshead  
Unit 12 Southern Flounder  
Unit 13 Southern Stingray  
Unit 14 Spotted Seatrout  
Unit 15 Striped Mullet  
Unit 16 TPWD Fishing Tip Sheet  
Unit 17 Sources for the Fish of Our Bay and Gulf Module  
Unit 18 Fish of Our Bay and Gulf Exam  
Module 6 Birds of Galveston Island+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Birds of Galveston Island  
Unit 2 Brown Pelican  
Unit 3 Cattle Egret  
Unit 4 Neotropic Cormorant  
Unit 5 European Starling  
Unit 6 Great-tailed Grackle  
Unit 7 Great Blue Heron  
Unit 8 Great Egret  
Unit 9 Laughing Gull  
Unit 10 Least Tern  
Unit 11 Northern Mockingbird  
Unit 12 Roseate Spoonbill  
Unit 13 Snowy Egret  
Unit 14 White Ibis  
Unit 15 Willet  
Unit 16 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  
Unit 17 Reddish Egret  
Unit 18 Sandhill Crane  
Unit 19 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron  
Unit 20 Red-winged Blackbird  
Unit 21 Black-necked Stilt  
Unit 22 Sources for the Birds of Galveston Island Module  
Unit 23 Birds of Galveston Island Exam  
Module 7 Mammals+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Mammals  
Unit 2 Nine-banded Armadillo  
Unit 3 Coyote  
Unit 4 Eastern Cottontail Rabbit  
Unit 5 Eastern Gray Squirrel  
Unit 6 Fox Squirrel  
Unit 7 Nutria  
Unit 8 Raccoon  
Unit 9 Striped Skunk  
Unit 10 Virginia Opossum  
Unit 11 Black Rat  
Unit 12 Bottlenose Dolphin  
Unit 13 Sources for the Mammals Module  
Unit 14 Mammals Exam  
Module 8 Reptiles and Amphibians+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Reptiles and Amphibians  
Unit 2 Common Snapping Turtle  
Unit 3 Red-eared Slider/Pond Slider  
Unit 4 Ribbon Snake  
Unit 5 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake  
Unit 6 Western Cottonmouth  
Unit 7 Gulf Coast Toad  
Unit 8 Rio Grande Chirping Frog  
Unit 9 Green Tree Frog  
Unit 10 Mediterranean House Gecko  
Unit 11 Green Anole  
Unit 12 Brown Anole  
Unit 13 Sources for the Reptiles and Amphibians Module  
Unit 14 Reptiles and Amphibians Exam  
Module 9 Shells+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Shells  
Unit 2 Angel Wing  
Unit 3 Ark Shells  
Unit 4 Bay Scallops  
Unit 5 Common Eastern Oyster  
Unit 6 Disk Clam  
Unit 7 Giant Atlantic Cockle  
Unit 8 Half-Naked Pen Shell  
Unit 9 Hooked Mussel  
Unit 10 Texas Quahog  
Unit 11 Variable Cocquina Clam  
Unit 12 Lettered Olive  
Unit 13 Lightning Whelk  
Unit 14 Oyster Drill Snail  
Unit 15 Shark Eye  
Unit 16 Sources for the Shells Module  
Unit 17 Shells Exam  
Module 10 Sea-Beans+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Sea-Beans  
Unit 2 What are Sea-Beans?  
Unit 3 Hamburger Bean  
Unit 4 Sea Purse  
Unit 5 Sea Heart Bean  
Unit 6 Starnut Palm  
Unit 7 Golf Ball  
Unit 8 Nicker Nut  
Unit 9 Mary's Bean  
Unit 10 Furrowed Blister Pod  
Unit 11 Sources for the Sea-Beans Module  
Unit 12 Sea-Bean Exam  
Module 11 The Wrack Line+
Unit 1 Module Overview: The Wrack Line  
Unit 2 The Wrack Line  
Unit 3 Sea Shells and Sea Beans  
Unit 4 Marine Animals (1)  
Unit 5 Marine Animals (2)  
Unit 6 Marine Animals and Their Egg Cases  
Unit 7 Sargassum Algae  
Unit 8 Lotus Pods and Water Hyacinth  
Unit 9 Geology on the Beach  
Unit 10 Man-made Trash  
Unit 11 Sources for The Wrack Line Module  
Unit 12 The Wrack Line Exam  
Module 12 Nature Guide Interpretation and Trip Management+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Nature Guide Interpretation and Trip Management  
Unit 2 Know your resources  
Unit 3 Developing the program  
Unit 4 Develop a clear theme for the activity  
Unit 5 Prepare the guests for a successful experience  
Unit 6 Know your audience  
Unit 7 Interpretive basics  
Unit 8 Select the appropriate communication/education techniques  
Unit 9 Interpretive Techniques for effective interpretation are driven by the audience and the site  
Unit 10 Good delivery skills in personal services  
Unit 11 Day of the Trip  
Unit 12 Additional interpretive training resources  
Unit 13 Sources for Nature Guide Interpretation and Trip Management Module  

Nature Ambassador Course Progress

Module 1 Gulf of Mexico - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Gulf of Mexico  
Unit 2 Physical Characteristics  
Unit 3 Currents  
Unit 4 Galveston Island Tides  
Unit 5 Gulf of Mexico Watershed  
Unit 6 Oil and Gas Production  
Unit 7 Gulf of Mexico Fisheries  
Unit 8 Gulf of Mexico Underwater Tourism  
Unit 9 Sources for Gulf of Mexico Module  
Unit 10 Gulf of Mexico Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 2 Galveston Island Geology - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Galveston Island Geology  
Unit 2 Galveston Island  
Unit 3 Global Climate Impacts  
Unit 4 Galveston Island Formation  
Unit 5 Galveston Island Geology  
Unit 6 Sources for the Galveston Island Geology Module  
Unit 7 Galveston Island Geology Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 3 Habitats of Galveston Island - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Habitats of Galveston Island  
Unit 2 Beaches  
Unit 3 Dunes  
Unit 4 Swales  
Unit 5 Coastal Prairie  
Unit 6 Prairie and Marsh Wetlands  
Unit 7 Bay Shore  
Unit 8 Sources for Habitats of Galveston Island Module  
Unit 9 Habitats of Galveston Island Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 4 Galveston Bay and Estuary - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Galveston Bay and Estuary Overview  
Unit 2 Galveston Bay  
Unit 3 Galveston Bay Watershed  
Unit 4 Galveston Bay Industrial Services  
Unit 5 Galveston Bay Ecological Services  
Unit 6 Bottlenose Dolphin  
Unit 7 Ways to See Galveston Bay  
Unit 8 Sources for the Galveston Bay and Estuary Module  
Unit 9 Galveston Bay and Estuary Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 5 Fish of our Bay and Gulf - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Fish of Our Bay and Gulf  
Unit 2 Atlantic Spanish Mackerel  
Unit 3 Black Drum  
Unit 4 Blacktip Shark  
Unit 5 Bonnethead Shark  
Unit 6 Gafftopsail Catfish  
Unit 7 Hardhead Catfish  
Unit 8 Ladyfish  
Unit 9 Red Drum  
Unit 10 Sand Seatrout  
Unit 11 Sheepshead  
Unit 12 Southern Flounder  
Unit 13 Southern Stingray  
Unit 14 Spotted Sea Trout  
Unit 15 Striped Mullet  
Unit 16 Texas Parks and Wild Life (TPWD)Fishing Tips Sheet  
Unit 17 Sources for the Fish of Our Bay and Gulf Module  
Unit 18 Fish of Our Bay and Gulf Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 6 Birds of Galveston Island - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Birds of Galveston Island  
Unit 2 Brown Pelican  
Unit 3 Cattle Egret  
Unit 4 Neotropic Cormorant  
Unit 5 European Starling  
Unit 6 Great-tailed Grackle  
Unit 7 Great Blue Heron  
Unit 8 Snowy Egret  
Unit 9 Great Egret  
Unit 10 Laughing Gull  
Unit 11 Least Tern  
Unit 12 Northern Mockingbird  
Unit 13 Roseate Spoonbill  
Unit 14 White Ibis  
Unit 15 Willet  
Unit 16 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  
Unit 17 Reddish Egret  
Unit 18 Sandhill Crane  
Unit 19 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron  
Unit 20 Red-winged Blackbird  
Unit 21 Black-necked Stilt  
Unit 22 Sources for Birds of Galveston Module  
Unit 23 Birds of Galveston Island Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 7 Mammals - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Mammals  
Unit 2 Nine-banded Armadillo  
Unit 3 Coyote  
Unit 4 Eastern Cottontail Rabbit  
Unit 5 Eastern Gray Squirrel  
Unit 6 Fox Squirrel  
Unit 7 Nutria  
Unit 8 Raccoon  
Unit 9 Striped skunk  
Unit 10 Virginia Opossum  
Unit 11 Black Rat  
Unit 12 Bottlenose Dolphin  
Unit 13 Sources for the Mammals Module  
Unit 14 Mammals Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 8 Reptiles and Amphibians - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Reptiles and Amphibians  
Unit 2 Common Snapping Turtle  
Unit 3 Red-eared Slider/Pond Slider  
Unit 4 Ribbon Snake  
Unit 5 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake  
Unit 6 Western Cottonmouth  
Unit 7 Gulf Coast Toad  
Unit 8 Rio Grande Chirping Frog  
Unit 9 Green Tree Frog  
Unit 10 Mediterranean House Gecko  
Unit 11 Green Anole  
Unit 12 Brown Anole  
Unit 13 Sources for Amphibians and Reptiles Module  
Unit 14 Reptiles and Amphibians Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 9 Shells - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview - Shells  
Unit 2 Angel Wing  
Unit 3 Ark Shells  
Unit 4 Bay Scallops  
Unit 5 Common Eastern Oyster Shell  
Unit 6 Disk Clam  
Unit 7 Giant Atlantic Cockle  
Unit 8 Half-Naked Pen Shell  
Unit 9 Hooked Mussel  
Unit 10 Texas Quahog  
Unit 11 Variable Coquina Clam  
Unit 12 Lettered Olive  
Unit 13 Lightning Whelk  
Unit 14 Oyster Drill  
Unit 15 Shark Eye  
Unit 16 Sources for Shell Module  
Unit 17 Shells Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 10 Sea-Beans - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview: Sea-Beans  
Unit 2 What are Sea-Beans?  
Unit 3 Hamburger Bean  
Unit 4 Sea Purse  
Unit 5 Sea Heart Bean  
Unit 6 Starnut Palm  
Unit 7 Golf Ball  
Unit 8 Nicker Nut  
Unit 9 Mary's Bean  
Unit 10 Furrowed Blister Pod  
Unit 11 Sources for the Sea-Bean Module  
Unit 12 Sea-Beans Exam - Ambassador Level  
Module 11 The Wrack Line - Ambassador Level+
Unit 1 Module Overview: The Wrack Line  
Unit 2 The Wrack Line  
Unit 3 Sea Shells and Sea Beans  
Unit 4 Marine Animals (1)  
Unit 5 Marine Animals (2)  
Unit 6 Marine Animals and Their Egg Cases  
Unit 7 Sargassum Algae  
Unit 8 Lotus Pods and Water Hyacinth  
Unit 9 Geology on the Beach  
Unit 10 Man-made Trash  
Unit 11 Sources for the Wrack Line Module  
Unit 12 The Wrack Line Exam - Ambassador Level